Xbox is a video gaming brand made and possessed by Microsoft of the United States. It speaks to a progression of computer game consoles created by Microsoft, with three consoles discharged in the 6th, seventh, and eighth ages, individually. The brand additionally speaks to applications (amusements), gushing administrations, and an online administration by the name of Xbox Live. The brand was first presented in the United States in November 2001, with the dispatch of the first Xbox reassure. 




The first gadget was the principal computer game comfort offered by an American organization after the Atari Jaguar ceased deals in 1996. It came to more than 24 million units sold as of May 2006. Microsoft's second support, the Xbox 360, was discharged in 2005 and has sold over 77.2 million consoles worldwide as of April 2013. The Xbox One has been discharged in 21 showcases altogether, with a Chinese discharge in September 2014. The head of Xbox is Phil Spencer, who succeeded previous head Marc Whitten in late March 2014. 


The first Xbox was discharged on November 15, 2001

The first Xbox was discharged on November 15, 2001, in North America, February 22, 2002, in Japan, and March 14, 2002, in Australia and Europe. It was Microsoft's first attack into the gaming console showcase. As a major aspect of the 6th era of gaming, the Xbox contended with Sony's PlayStation 2, Sega's Dreamcast (which halted American deals previously the Xbox went marked down), and Nintendo's GameCube. The Xbox was the main reassure offered by an American organization after the Atari Jaguarstopped deals in 1996. The name Xbox was gotten from a constriction of DirectX Box, a reference to Microsoft's designs API, DirectX. 
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The incorporated Xbox Live administration

The incorporated Xbox Live administration propelled in November 2002 enabled players to play recreations online with or without a broadband association. It previously contended with Dreamcast's online administration yet later principally rivaled PlayStation 2's online administration. Despite the fact that these two are free while Xbox Live required a membership, just as broadband-just association which was not totally embraced yet, Xbox Live was a triumph because of better servers, highlights, for example, a pal rundown, and achievement titles like Halo 2 discharged in November 2004, which is the top rated Xbox computer game and was by a long shot the most well known internet amusement for a considerable length of time.

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